On the 29th of May the Circular Textile Innovations Sweden held their end conference at RISE in Stockholm. The theme for the day was ”Sustainable System Change in the Textile Industry” and the results from the CITEX sub-projects were presented to the almost 100 participants. Here you can take part of some pictures from the conference as well as some of the presentations.
You find the presentations from the conference on the right hand side of this page and the programme for the day below.
Welcome and introduction to the day
Cecilia Tall, moderator for the day, Sverker Danielsson, BioInnovation, Heidi Hautajärvi Stenmark, project leader for the co-ordination of CITEX, RISE
BLOCK 1 Research Results
Chemical recycling of man-made fibers (MMCF), project leader Tahani Kaldéus, The Loop Factory with project partners
Innovative fibre mixes and yarn spinning techniques, project leader Anna Hammarstedt, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute with project partners
Mechanical textile recycling in Sweden – environmental and economic condition, project leader, Johan Strandberg, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute with project partners
NETWORKING LUNCH opportunity to network and smaller exhibition
Dialogue and discussion – Which barriers & challenges, as well as prospects have been identified for both chemical and mechanical recycling in Sweden? And what are the prerequisites and possibilities for innovative fibres? What should be the research focus going forward?
BLOCK 2 – Insights and perspectives on policy and actions for the future bioeconomic textile industry
Ulrika Simonsson, TEKO, Lisa Schwarz Bour, RISE, Helena Claesson, Once More, Marcus Hartmann, H&M
Dialogue and discussion – New challenges arise from the European Union, what actions does the industry need to take and what developments are needed in Sweden to strengthen the textile industry when it comes to recycling and increasing the use of bio-based and recycled fibres?