Welcome to BioInnovation!
We have a vision – that Sweden has a bio-based economy by 2050. A bio-based economy means a society that is based on using renewable biological resources.
For the vision to become reality we need a strong, co-operative industry and to work across disciplines. We need new knowledge from research and development and new forms of co-operation. That’s why we have BioInnovation.
The basis for BioInnovation is a strategic innovation programme financed by VINNOVA, The Swedish Energy Agency and The Swedish Research Council Formas, and by the participating organisations. We gather ideas and the players who want to transform ideas into innovation. We connect organisations from different industries and sectors and support them in creating innovation projects.
The aim is to create the best possible conditions to produce new bio-based materials, products and services with a high value for customers, serving markets worldwide.
Our work is currently concentrated to three prioritised areas
• Chemicals & Energy
• Materials
• Construction & Design
Would you like to play a part?
Together we create innovation that would not be possible alone.
We provide the possibility to generate new ideas and solutions that add value to your organisation’s offering – and which you wouldn’t have created on your own. New, unexpected business opportunities arise through new knowledge and competence, new ways of working with innovation and contact with players from completely different industries and sectors.
You have the possibility to participate at different levels and in different forms, everything from actively participating in innovation projects to getting involved in the programme’s General Assembly and affecting the overall direction of development.
Today, more than 50 organisations have joined BioInnovation, supporting the common vision and initiative. The Programme is open – join us!
For further information, please contact
Anna Wiberg
Programme Manager
E-mail: anna.wiberg@bioinnovation.se
Phone: +46 (0)76-129 62 94
Box 55525, SE-102 04 Stockholm
Visiting address: Storgatan 19, Stockholm
E-mail: info@bioinnovation.se