Within the Treesearch platform, industry and academia collaborate on the research and competence building on materials from the forest to lay the foundation for the bioeconomy of the future. The collaboration project Treesearch within BioInnovation is a central part of the research platform.

Project description

The collaboration project Treesearch within BioInnovation is a central part of the research platform Treesearch and contributes to the coordination and accessibility of research within Treesearch. The project enables Treesearch by establishing and operating processes and functions within the platform. The project also connects Treesearch with projects within BioInnovation and other industry-related development and innovation projects.

The collaboration project Treesearch is funded by Vinnova within the framework of the Swedish government’s collaboration programs.

Read more about the project at Treesearch’s website.

Actors in the project

Treesearch was started in 2017 and the number of Treesearch partners has grown to today include Ahlstrom-Munksjö, BillerudKorsnäs, Holmen, Neste, Stora Enso, Södra, SCA, Tetra Pak, and KTH, Chalmers, Linköping University, Lund University, Luleå University, Mid Sweden University, SLU, Stockholm University, Karlstad University and RISE. The research infrastructure ForMAX at MAX IV is a central part of the collaboration where the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation contributes funding.

More information

Daniel Söderberg, Director of Treesearch

Josefin Illergård, platform coordinator Treesearch