Renewable bipolar plates for sustainable fuel cell technology (BioBPP 2) – step 2

Category: Hypothesis testing projects

The current project is based on a complete stage 1 feasibility study. It aims to establish and verify an entirely circular value chain to develop completely renewable carbon/polymer composite bipolar plates (BPPs), which will be manufactured using a resource-efficient and cost-effective process followed by evaluation at a fuel cell (FC) short stack system. The BioBPP stage 2 project will design and build one of the first FC short stacks in Sweden for evaluation of novel components particularly renewable ones, which will be located at RISE and open to collaboration with players.

The consortium consists of 10 partners including one research organization, RISE, and nine high-tech companies including several global companies, revealing the European relevance of this project and its potential of being scaled up at the EU level. Different need owners stand at each unit in the circular value chain, from sustainable raw material resources to renewable composite materials and resulting BPPs, to FC short stack system until end-of-life strategy.


RISE, Envigas, SSAC, TFC, Talga, Polynt, Trelleborg, Lidhs, Percy Roc and Volvo Technology.

Budget & time plan

The project’s total budget is 8 540 000 SEK and the project runs for two years – between May 2023 and May 2025.

Read about Biocarbon-based renewable bipolar plates for sustainable fuel cell technology (BioBPP) – step 1.