Secure buildings with timber and bio-based materials 2.0 – step 2

Category: Hypothesis testing projects

The vision of the project is to increase the proportion of resource-efficient bio-based products and components in the construction of secure buildings, thereby reducing the environmental and climate impact from these. By demonstrating that buildings with bio-based materials can meet the requirements, the opportunity is created for property owners to build more climate neutrally. The number of secure buildings in Sweden is expected to increase significantly over the coming ten-year period, which is why the project is of great importance. New innovative solutions developed in the project, that are verified to meet the functional requirements, can also become an export product. Participating partners are manufacturers, , building contractor, property owner and tenant who express the customer need. The aim is to develop alternative component solutions, in wall and floor elements, and verify them through testing. Finally, a 3D module will be completed for functional verification, as well as analyzed regarding economic and climate benefits.


RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Specialfastigheter Sverige AB, Swedish Prison and Probation Service, NCC, Lindbäcks bygg, Isotimber, Podcomp, Setra, SSC Klingan and The Swedish Federation of Wood and Furniture Industry.

Budget & time plan

The project’s total budget is 8 MSEK and the project runs for two years – between May 2024 and April 2026.

Read about Secure buildings in timber and biobased materials – step 1.