REdesigning Fast Moving Consumer Goods PACKaging towards 2030

Category: Thematic calls

The objective of this project is to accelerate the uptake of highly functional, cost-effective packaging innovations, allowing immediate substitution of complex multilayer plastic packaging with high performing fiber-based materials. This will be accomplished by developing bio-based and fully recyclable fiber-based consumer packaging solutions. By doing so we can substitute existing complex multi-component plastics, while ensuring the same barrier properties and shelf life while limiting food and product waste. Generalized fiber-based packaging designs will be created for different categories of consumer products which are today packed in plastics, allowing brand owners to keep the promises set by their plastic strategies.


RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Arla Foods, Billerud Skog och Industri, FiberLean Technologies, Nordic Barrier Coatings, Orkla Foods, Procter & Gamble, Returkartong, Santa Maria and Solenis.

Budget & time plan

The project’s total budget is 8,3 MSEK and the project runs for a little more than two years – from October 2022 to December 2024.