Novel bio-based cross-linkers for improved performance of packaging paper – step 1

Category: Hypothesis testing projects

Modified bio-based cross-linkers, originating from hemicelluloses, will be used for improved packaging performance especially at high and alternating humidity. These novel cross-linkers could replace harmful fossil-based chemicals. Partners with both research and industrial application perspective from the whole value chain, pulp-paper-packaging, would participate in this project.

The proposal is to chemically modify hemicelluloses, so they can be used as cross-linkers in papermaking with no negative impact on the environment or health. In this project, a fundamentally new approach will be tested, i.e., to use bio-based cross-linkers, potentially produced from black liquor – a waste stream in the pulping industry, to replace fossil based cross-linkers.


RISE, RISE PFI, DS Smith, Metsä Board, Mondi Powerflute and StoraEnso.

Budget & time plan

The project’s total budget is 1 MSEK and the project runs during six months – between June and December 2023.