The project ran between June 2022 and May 2024.
The project showed ways to develop particleboards without the use of conventional resins, resulting in reasonable to high performance using these innovative non-conventional adhesive systems. The deviation came about in the decision to move away from ionic liquids, which were too expensive for development. This divergence led to the use of imidazole, which is a key component in ionic liquids, or succinimide.
The fire resistance of the manufactured particleboards was further assessed through the addition of a proprietary ionic liquid fire retardant and ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (ADP). Ionic liquid results were not promising, whilst the inclusion of ADP led to significant improvements in the fire resistance of the boards, though there were some issues with mechanical properties that still need to be overcome.
Results suggest there are several routes that could be used for particleboards with enhanced selective properties. However, market opportunities were found to be very low.
Holmen AB, Norra Skog and Luleå University of Technology.
The project’s total budget was 5 MSEK.