The project ran between September 2018 and June 2021.
Spinach contains a protein fraction with a documented effect for appetite regulation and weight control. In the project, methods and techniques for reducing the daily dose of an ingredient based on this fraction have been developed. Results from the project indicates that the dose could be reduced from 5 to 3 grams, which opens for wider application of the ingredient in products with the aim of counteracting obesity.
Over two billion people today are considered overweight and about a quarter of these are considered to be obese. A lower daily dose and results from studies of the ingredient’s heat resistance means that more product categories can be used for distribution to consumers. Products that consist of capsules can be distributed in fewer numbers and products that require heating, such as e.g. soups, can be developed. Results enabling reduction of the daily dose are that the fiber content and the particle size decreased in the ingredient due to improved methods and techniques, that more cells were opened up and those pigments associated with the active cell components increased. The effect is indicated in a clinical study.
GreenLeaf Medical AB, Lund University and SwePharm AB.
The project’s total budget was 3,8 MSEK.