Gone Shells – bio-based degradable packaging – step 2

Category: Hypothesis testing projects

GoneShells is an innovative concept of biodegradable materials that challenges our conventional idea of how a packaging can be designed with the aim of offering an alternative to paper, plastic and glass for packaging of food. The materials consist of a starch-based core coated with a bio-based biodegradable barrier against liquid, oil and oxygen. With a transparent, flexible packaging and a different perception than traditional packaging materials provide, new opportunities open up to arouse interest not only from a sustainability perspective, but also in terms of new ways for how food packaging can be designed.

The purpose of the hypothesis is to develop the starch-based material by customize the barrier formulation and optimizing the starch composition to improve the materials ability and durability to package food. If the properties are developed as above, together with optimization of the started track with extrusion and thermoforming and, production of prototypes – the potential for fast steps towards upscaling and commercialization is substantial. Since the concept can replace fossil-based raw materials for packaging with renewable bio-based ones, it enables efficient decomposition of the packaging after use, and offer transparent materials, which is of great interest for stakeholders.


Tomorrow Machine, Nordic Barrier Coating, Lyckeby Sveriges stärkelseproducenter förening u.p.a., Eckes-Granini Group, Happy Forsman & Bodenfors and RISE Bioeconomy and Health.

Budget & time plan

The project’s total budget is 4,3 MSEK and the project runs during two years – between November 2022 to November 2024.

Read about: GoneShells: Bio-based degradable packaging – step 1