Glycerol-based, fully green and renewable lubricants

Category: Thematic calls

It has been reported that around 37 million tons of lubricants are consumed every year. More than 98% of them are produced from petroleum, which means we are consuming more than 1170 kg petroleum-based lubricants every second! Hence, this is a big problem in the achievement of a future sustainable society.

Glycerol is a sweet-tasting and non-toxic compound. It is widely used in food and healthcare products, which provides all the advantages of fossil-free and environmentally friendly lubricant.


Luleå University of Technology, Sustainalube AB, Energifabriken AB, SKF, ASSALUB, Barrsäter Skogs AB and Danfoss.

Budget & time plan

The project’s total budget is 11,9 MSEK and the project runs for a little more than 2,5 year – between June 2023 and November 2025.