Saw dust is generated in large amounts as a byproduct of sawmill operations in both Sweden and many other parts of the world, and is currently mainly utilized for energy generation. This project proposes a new value chain, developed in Sweden but globally scalable, shifting saw dust away from energy generation into high value textile fibers.
The project aims to reduce the environmental impact of the textile industry by using Lixea’s Dendronic® technology to convert, saw dust delivered by Vänerbränsle from sawmill operations, into high-quality dissolving pulp. This pulp will be used by TreeToTextile to create sustainable man-made cellulosic fibers, providing an eco-friendly alternative to polyester, cotton and chemically-intensive viscose.
Lixea Sweden AB, Vänerbränsle AB and TreeToTextile AB.
Budget & time plan
The project’s total budget is 1 MSEK and the project runs for 11 months – between November 2024 and September 2025.