Controlling the forest cloud – Advanced control for increased yield of long-lived forest products

The aim of this project is to develop new methods and implement prototypes for advanced timber product control in the Swedish forest industry. With these new tools at hand, timber product control specialists will be able to exploit the variation in size or shape among harvested trees through cleverly adapted bucking instructions.

The expected effect is an increased yield of sawn timber from the bucking process – the process of cutting harvested trees into logs. Increasing the yield of sawn timber is of high interest for the forest industry, as well as for the climate and society: sawn timber is in general highly valuable and also classified as a long-lived bio-based (hence carbon binding) product.

The project has a strong potential to improve the Technology Readiness Level of advanced timber product control, since key technology components, such as infrastructure for standardized data collection and communication, are already implemented and in practical use at most large Swedish forest companies and organizations.


Skogforsk Forest Research Institute of Sweden, JDA Forest, Södra and SCA Forest.

Budget & time plan

The project’s total budget is 5,5 MSEK and the project runs for 2 years – between July 2024 and June 2026.