BioPCB for high frequencies – step 1

Category: Hypothesis testing projects

The project ran between November 2022 and December 2023.

The objective of the proposed research was to design, implement, and characterize low-cost, lightweight bio-based board material in the S band domain through innovative architectures for laminating of benzoxazines material for printed circuit board (PCB) applications.

This challenge was driven by the increased request for high-frequency circuit boards due to increased focus in applications such as telecommunication, where the development towards higher frequencies (5G+) is rocketing. Furthermore, the volume of circuit board material increases as more and more products are requested along with demands for sustainability and a smaller environmental footprint in electronic products. If the project could prove that bio-based material could offer similar results as standard FR4 material, a greener alternative to standard non-sustainable materials would have been found.

Special emphasis was placed on low-loss solutions implemented in Bio substrates, as a low-cost alternative to conventional, rigid FR4 substrate.

The first phase of the project was focused on the production of bio-based resin that will then be used to produce the circuit board. The dielectric properties of this substrate were tested and compared with FR4 material using the same test method, resonator ring circuit. From the results of this test, the project was able to extract the relevant dielectric properties and evaluate our hypothesis.

Additionally, after the circuit measurements” the project performed some material measurement to get more information about the dielectric properties.


Grepit AB, Beammwave AB. From RISE the units for Bio- and Organic Electronics and Composite Materials Piteå participtated.


The project’s total budget was 499 kSEK.