Biomaterials for carbon anode in aluminium production

Category: Thematic calls

Aluminum is one of the world’s most widely used and recycled metals. Fossils based carbon anodes are widely used in primary aluminum production. The consumption of carbon anodes is 380-450 kg for the production of 1 ton of aluminum. This means a carbon dioxide emission of 1.4-1.65 tons. In this project, KTH will cooperate with Swedish bio-carbon producer and an aluminum industry to develop processes for high-quality bio-based raw materials used in carbon anode production for the aluminum industry.  The overall objective of this project is to develop sustainable and highly efficient processes to upgrade bio-oil and bio-carbon into high-quality carbon anode raw materials. Specifically:

1) To develop a sustainable process for bio-oil upgradation to produce a high-quality binder used for carbon anode production.

2) To develop a sustainable process for bio-carbon upgradation to produce a high-quality dry material used for carbon anode production and as packing material.

3) To document the developed process for scale-up application with details energy and mass balance and toxicity of the process.


KTH (The Royal Institute of Technology), Envigas AB and Norsk Hydro ASA.

Budget & time plan

The project’s total budget is 8 230 000 SEK and the project runs for 2,5 years – between August 2023 and January 2026.