Biocell-Filament – step 1

Category: Hypothesis testing projects

The project ran between November 2020 and March 2021.

In this project, the project partners sought to replace carbon fiber with nanocellulose in FFF 3D-filaments.

Reinforced 3D filaments can potentially be made more environmentally friendly if petroleum-based carbon fiber is replaced with modified nanocellulose. If nanocellulose-reinforced biocomposite obtains improved mechanical properties, other less environmentally friendly plastics can also be replaced. Mid Sweden University and Organofuel Sweden AB produced modified nanocellulose, which was compounded into granules at Trifilon AB. Infold AB converted the granules into 3D printing filaments. The material was mechanically characterized at Trifilon AB and tested for printability at Infold AB.

The new nanocellulose-composites the project produced have improved strength properties and can potentially be used as a material reinforcer for future bio-plastics. However, more development is needed before it can be used as a FFF 3D-filament.


Infold AB, Mid Sweden University, Organofuel Sweden AB and Trifilon AB.


The project’s total budget was 1 060 000 SEK.

Read about 3D-Cellfilament – step 2.

The picture shows a 3D printer, with a roll of yellow filament to the right.