Buildings and construction account for about 30 % of the emissions of greenhouse gases, and Sweden is aiming for net-zero emissions by 2045. Recent studies have shown that the embodied energy accounts for more than half of the climate impact of typical building systems. With recent regulation introduced by the Swedish authorities, the focus is shifting from the usage phase to the production-phase. The industry therefore needs to adapt their production.
The aim of the project is to aid the timber house manufactures in their climate adaptation efforts by enabling for bio-based products to replace the conventional fossil-based materials. Building on the efforts of a previous BioInnovation innovation project (FBBB, work package 4.2), the aim is to bring bio-based walls from feasibility studies to full-scale factory-produced walls.
The strategy involves (1) survey of issues relating to implementation, (2) development of concept walls, (3) numerical and experimental analysis and (4) full-scale construction and monitoring of at least one wall under operational conditions. Based on previous studies, the new wall concepts are likely to perform equal to or better than traditional building systems, much due to the moisture buffering capacity of the walls coupled with excellent thermal properties. Further, it is anticipated that the new systems will be favourable with respect to indoor air quality as well as possibilities for renovation, re-use and recycling of materials.
Lunds Tekniska Högskola, Trä- och möbelföretagen (TMF), BoKlok AB, Derome AB, Eksjöhus AB, Götenehus AB, Moelven Byggmodul AB, OBOS Sverige AB, Svensk Husproduktion AB, Trivselhus AB och Vida Building AB.
Budget & tide plan
The project’s budget is 8 060 000 SEK and the project runs between December 2019 and May 2022.