Area Analysis of SME Needs in the Green Transition

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have been identified as a crucial group for the development of a circular bioeconomy, and BioInnovation seeks to increase understanding of this target group’s needs. Specifically, more knowledge is required about the regulatory and business obstacles SMEs face, the knowledge and interventions they lack to transition to bio-based and circular solutions, and the incentives that could encourage this group to take further steps towards a fossil-free and circular transition. The primary aim of the area analysis is to outline the training needs within the SME group and identify effective measures in the form of research, collaboration, and education. The analysis will serve as input from BioInnovation and RE:Source for research funders’ upcoming prioritization efforts. This area analysis of SME needs in the green transition will be conducted during the second half of 2024.

Project Goals

The project aims to:

Map training and intervention needs.

  • Identify preferred formats for knowledge acquisition.
  • Identify incentives that can benefit the transition.
  • Identify regulatory and business obstacles to transition.
  • Identify research questions to improve SME potential in the transition to a circular bioeconomy.


There are many SMEs in Sweden. This area analysis is limited to SMEs that wish to contribute to and benefit from the transition to a Swedish circular bioeconomy. The target group is also limited to SMEs in the bio-based industry, such as the chemical, textile, forest, and wood industries.


BioInnovation has previously managed the BioLyftet program, aimed at SMEs seeking to transition to bio-based and circular materials in paper, textiles, and bioplastics. BioInnovation has also run a seminar initiative for SMEs on funding opportunities for development projects. Re:Source has gathered knowledge on companies’ transitions in the “Circular Economy Outlook Report 2024,” with a section specifically focused on SMEs and their transitions. The results achieved in these projects will form a foundation for the area analysis.

Planned Execution

  1. Gather & Integrate Insights
  • Kick-off meeting and possible modification of the project plan as needed.
  • Gather and review previous learnings from BioInnovation, as well as understanding the research landscape.
  • Identify questions, general challenges, opportunities, and incentives to determine if they align with SMEs.
  • Integrate findings into the ongoing work and build on the current knowledge base.
  1. Insight Collection on Obstacles, Opportunities, and Incentives
  • Create and distribute a survey to SMEs through industry organizations, LinkedIn, networks, or direct contact.
  • Prepare and conduct roundtable discussions.
  • Compile and analyze survey responses and roundtable discussions.
  • Workshop: Cluster insights.
  • Identify research questions and areas with knowledge gaps, as well as training and intervention needs.
  1. Conclusion and Report
  • Summarize findings and recommendations in a report and presentation.
  • Present to the steering group/other stakeholders at a seminar.

Actors, Budget, and Timeline

The assignment is carried out by Xvii between October 2024 and January 2025. The project has a total budget of 200,000 SEK.