Area Analysis of Biogenic Carbon Flows with a Focus on Agriculture

Category: Activity projects

BioInnovation has identified a great need to increase knowledge and basic understanding of biogenic carbon flows and where there is potential for increased resource efficiency. There is also a need to identify research needs to enable increased resource efficiency of bio-based carbon.

The purpose of the area analysis “Biogenic Carbon Flows with a Focus on Agriculture” is to describe the biogenic carbon flows from Swedish primary production to industry, society, including reuse, recycling, export, and import. A previously conducted area analysis mapped the forest biogenic carbon flows, and this is now complemented by an area analysis of biogenic carbon flows from the agricultural sector (as well as a detailed review of the wood-using industry).

Project Goals

  • Map today’s bio-based carbon flows in value chains within the agricultural sector
  • Develop an illustrative description of biogenic carbon flows from primary production and onwards in the value chains for agricultural-based value chains.
  • Identify areas for more efficient use of biomass
  • Identify new uses for residual streams and discuss development needs through stakeholder dialogue.

The mapping is limited to national biomass flows from the point of harvest to products, waste, and unused residual streams (including carbon dioxide) as well as the recycling and reuse of the bio-based raw material nationally. Carbon flows in sewage are not included in the study, and recycling and reuse of exported flows are also excluded.


The assignment is divided into three work packages (WP).

WP1 – Screening of the current situation

WP1 aims to map key actors in academia and industry and create an overall picture of the current situation in the agricultural sector. Structural analysis and mapping of Swedish agriculture’s value chains will be conducted by collecting data on the structure of value chains and involved stakeholders. Entire value chains from primary production (e.g., crop harvesting) to end products and waste streams will be mapped by identifying inputs, outputs, key stages, processes, and activities involved in the value chains.

WP1 consists of two activities:

  • Knowledge obtained from completed projects, reports, scientific publications, professional literature, and trade press.
  • Development of a detailed list of actors and network figures visualizing connections between actors, to identify key actors for in-depth discussions.

WP2 – Discussions with key actors and quantification of the carbon flow

In WP2, the project will engage stakeholders in the agricultural value chains through interviews and roundtable discussions to assess knowledge and development needs. Data on carbon flows will be collected and analyzed, focusing on variations in carbon content across different stages of the value chains.

Work in WP2 consists of four activities:

  • Stakeholder dialogues via phone/Teams with key actors within the Swedish agricultural sector and relevant research groups.
  • Roundtable discussions with selected actors within Swedish industry, academia, and Swedish institutes, including pre- and post-work.
  • Compilation of discussions and data collection to quantify and create visual maps for carbon flows in the agricultural value chains.
  • Analysis of findings with prioritized and current research and development needs.

WP3 – Report & final seminar

WP3 aims to compile the work in previous work packages and present it through a seminar and a report.

Work in WP3 consists of three activities:

  • An open final seminar for a group of interested Swedish actors.
  • A comprehensive report emphasizing the results from the mapping of carbon dioxide flows and dialogues with stakeholders, identifying starting points for sustainability efforts to improve resource efficiency, drive industrial transformation, and address research and development needs.
  • Production of an “Executive Summary”.

Actors, Budget, and Timeline

Area Analysis is carried out by Chalmers Industriteknik between April and November 2024. The project has a total budget of 300,000 SEK.

Steering Group

Anders Brolin – StoraEnso
Marie Johansson – RISE
Per-Anders Hansson – SLU
Sverker Danielsson – Chair, BioInnovation