BioInnovation has identified that current bio-based production processes generate large amounts of biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. The purpose of the Area Analysis on Carbon-Free Production in Bio-Based Industry is to explore potential changes in bio-based production processes that can contribute to increasing the quantity of products from a given amount of bio-based feedstock and reduce direct emissions of biogenic carbon dioxide. The analysis will focus on the significant flows of biogenic carbon dioxide from forest-based industrial processes, but also consider the chemical and textile industries. The ultimate vision is for future bio-based production processes to utilize the entire feedstock without emitting any CO2 into the atmosphere.
The availability of biogenic carbon that can be used as a feedstock is constrained by biological growth and society’s ability to circulate carbon flows. Steps towards carbon dioxide-free production should involve actions that lead to a greater proportion of the raw material being used in products. This could include increased yield of core products and/or better utilization of the biomass feedstock through a broader portfolio of by-products. Other actions to be considered involve utilizing the CO2 that cannot be avoided for use in products and possibly storage (CCU/CCS).
Project Objectives
The overarching goal is for every carbon atom from the bio-based industry to be utilized in value-added products. The area analysis aims to demonstrate the feasibility of achieving this goal and identify the obstacles that need to be overcome. The project’s objective is to describe how carbon-free production could become a reality and engage stakeholders towards that direction.
Work plan
Given the significant developments in this area, it is crucial to survey the current state of research and technological development. Previous area analyses (such as “Bio-Based Chemical Industry” and “Mapping of Biogenic Carbon Flows in the Forest-Based Value Chains in Sweden”) will provide a solid foundation. Significant emphasis will be placed on stakeholder dialogues through interviews and roundtable discussions.
The project is divided into three work packages (WP), each with clear deliverables.
WP1 – Screening of current situation
WP1 aims to identify key stakeholders in academia and industry and create an overall picture of the current situation in the bio-based industry. The work in WP1 consists of two activities; gathering knowledge and compilation of a list of actors and network diagrams illustrating the significance and connections between the actors to identify key players for in-depth discussions.
WP2 – Discussions with Key Stakeholders
WP2 aims to map the state of knowledge and development needs: Which technologies are available or under development that could reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the bio-based industry? What is needed in terms of technological development and policies and regulations for companies to invest in carbon-free production? The work in WP2 consists of three activities; stakeholder dialogues, a roundtable discussion and compilation of discussions and a summary analysis with prioritized and scheduled research, and development needs for further initiatives.
WP3 – Report & Closing Seminar
WP3 aims to compile the work from previous work packages and present it through a seminar and a report. The work in WP3 consists of three activities; an open closing seminar, production of a report containing results from all activities, and production of an “Executive Summary”.
Actor, Budget and Time Plan
The assignment is carried out by CIT Renergy together with Chalmers Industriteknik between February and June 2024. The project has a total budget of 400,000 SEK.
Steering Group
Catrin Gustafsson – Södra
Erik Furusjö – St1
John Sandström – Univar Solutions
Sverker Danielsson – Chairman, BioInnovation