Implementation of bio-material as sustainable binder system for PFAS free lithiumion battery industry

Category: Thematic calls

As the lithium-ion battery (LIB) market experiences burgeoning expansion, we are confronted with a growing reliance on environmentally harmful Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) (one type of PFAS) binders, a necessary component of a LIB cell. In this project, we seek to utilize a bio-sourced green binder from cornstarch as an alternative to PVDF. To steward our transition from PFAS chemicals, the project will collaborate with key industry partners to refine the bio-sourced binder chemistry, coating techniques and scale-up implementation. Based on the lab scale validated result, pilot-scale testing will establish the demonstration of bio-sourced binder for biomaterial and battery industry adoption. The success of the project will result in a marked increase in the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) from 3 to 6 in bio-based binder development and battery application. This will further allow battery industry to reorient itself into sustainable bio-focused future, with direct consequences to other markets such as the electric vehicles and electronic sectors.


Northvolt and Chalmers University of Technology.

Budget & time plan

The project’s total budget is 10 MSEK and the project runs during 2,5 years – between Noevmber 2023 and May 2026.